If you need to retry a method on some specific exception or exceptions then you can use these parameters to setup the retry functionality.
Class<? extends Throwable>[] retryExceptions() default {}
- a list of exceptions to retry on.
int retryAttempts() default 1
- retry retryAttempts
long retryDelay() default 0
- time delay between attempts in ms.
These parameters can be set for each method individually.
@LogIt(retryExceptions = {ForbiddenException.class, BadRequestException.class},
retryDelay = 1000,
retryAttempts = 3)
In the logs you will see
16:26:43.969 [main] ERROR io.lenar.easy.log.UneasyLogger - javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException: HTTP 400 Bad Request
<- UserService.findUser(..)
Retry 1/3 in 1000 ms
16:26:45.017 [main] ERROR io.lenar.easy.log.UneasyLogger - javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException: HTTP 400 Bad Request
<- UserService.findUser(..)
Retry 2/3 in 1000 ms
16:26:46.063 [main] ERROR io.lenar.easy.log.UneasyLogger - javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException: HTTP 400 Bad Request
<- UserService.findUser(..)
Retry 3/3 in 1000 ms
16:26:47.112 [main] ERROR io.lenar.easy.log.ExceptionLogger - javax.ws.rs.BadRequestException: HTTP 400 Bad Request
<- UserService.findUser(..):
{"code":400,"message":"First name is required","path":null,"parameterName":"firstName"}
Note: You can specify a parent exception to cover all child exceptions.
For example WebApplicationException
covers BadRequestException
, ForbiddenException