Here we going to figure out few tips how to make your test failures more informative, clear and valuable with AssertJ custome messages.
AssertJ Maven dependency
<!-- use 2.9.0 for Java 7 projects -->
Check the current available version - AssertJ
By default AssertJ assertion failures
int multiplicand1 = 2
int multiplicand2 = 3
int expectedResult = 5;
assertions.assertThat(multiplicand1 * multiplicand2)
give fail mesagges like this:
1) expected:<[5]> but was:<[6]>
We can’t see what exactly the failure is about.
Let’s tune it a little with as(...)
assertions.assertThat(multiplicand1 * multiplicand2)
.as("2 * 3")
Failure output:
1) [2 * 3] expected:<[5]> but was:<[6]>
or even
assertions.assertThat(multiplicand1 * multiplicand2)
.as("Multiplication %s * %s", multiplicand1, multiplicand2)
Failure output:
1) [Multiplication 2 * 3] expected:<[5]> but was:<[6]>
We also can completely replace the failure message with our custome message using withFailMessage(...)
assertions.assertThat(multiplicand1 * multiplicand2)
.withFailMessage("Multiplication error <%s * %s> should be equal <%s> but was <%s>",
multiplicand1, multiplicand2, expectedResult, multiplicand1 * multiplicand2)
Failure output:
1) Multiplication error <2 * 3> should be equal <5> but was <6>
And the last thing - don’t forget to give clear and informative names to test classes and test methods.
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